Lodging a Claim
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Lodging a Claim


The Department investigates alleged breaches of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act (EIRA). Such alleged breaches of the law can be reported anonymously by visiting the Conditions of Employment Office or by contacting this section by phone, letters or e-mail.  Personal claims regarding unpaid wages etc are to be lodged in person by visiting this Department at 109 Melita Street Valletta during the Department’s opening hours.

» The opening hours are:

  S​ummer (16th June – 30th Septembe​r)​​
​08:00 hrs – 12:00 hrs (noon)
  Winter (1st October – 15th June) except for Wednesdays
08:00 hrs – 15:30 hrs
 ​ Wednesdays ​in Winter ​(1st October - 15th June) ​08:00 hrs - 12:00 hrs (noon)

Reports and complaints from employees who are still in employment, are dealt with by the Inspectorate Section. Any report is investigated and if it deems that the law has been breached, the employer concerned is contacted and the Department follows the issue accordingly. In case that the employer persists in breaching the law, criminal proceedings against the employer are initiated before the Court of Magistrates as a Court of Criminal Judicature.  

Issues related to termination of employment are dealt with by the Enforcement Section. This section assists those whose employment relationship has  been terminated, to ensure that all outstanding dues are settled. Upon lack of compliance criminal proceedings are initiated. To process a claim in respect of outstanding dues, following the termination of employment, the ex-employee concerned has to call personally at the Department's offices where the necessary investigations are conducted. It is important that any documents related to the case are produced.  If a breach of the law is detected, the Department issues a claim for outstanding dues to the ex-employer. Non-compliance leads to referring matter for legal action.The Department’s Inspectorate Section also carries out regular inspections at workplaces both upon receipt of a particular complaint and also in a random manner.  

The Department investigates all reports that reach its offices, including those received in an anonymous manner. All reports, complaints and investigations are followed with strict confidentiality and in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

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 Contact Name

Department for Industrial and Employment Relations 
121, Melita​​ Street,
Valletta - Malta 
VLT 1121​

1575 for Employees
1576 for Employers