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Main Legislation

» Chapter 452 - Employment and Industrial Relations Act (EIRA) 

Notice of coming into force of the Employment and Industrial Relations Act, 2002 (Act XXII of 2002) L.N. 362 of 2002L.N. 425 of 2002L.N. 438 of 2003

Act XXII of 2002 as amended by Acts IX of 2003 extract; III of 2004​; XIX of 2006; L.N. 427 of 2007; Act V of 2009; Act V of 2011 extract​Act XVI of 2012.

 ​» Chapter 343 - Employment and Training Services Act

ACT No. XXIII of 2009 - An ACT to establish general provisions facilitating the exercise of freedom of establishment for service providers and the free movement of services in the internal market and to implement Directive 2006/123/EC

Register of Part-time Employment Regulations 2008 L.N. 354 of 2007
» Chapter 267 - Employment Commission Act
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 Contact Name

Department for Industrial and Employment Relations 
121, Melita​​ Street,
Valletta - Malta 
VLT 1121​

1575 for Employees
1576 for Employers